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From Friction to FLOW

Coaching people at work to thrive in the face of change. 


Our body of work evolves the human system through shifting the context that people operate from, elevating the energy of individuals and teams, and catalyzing the collective genius in the workplace.

Build a Thriving Workplace Culture

Select from the following course curriculum customized to meet the specific needs that your organizational position of influence faces.


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To stay competitive, you need your entire organization to be truly aligned, efficient, and following your lead to innovate faster than competitors.


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Three Leadership Development Programs to improve individual skills and resolve management team and cultural issues impacting performance.

Human Resources

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Get HR Training Programs that transform culture and fosters employee engagement and innovation.


Get cultural alignment and accelerate organizational effectiveness with Culture Workshops that will help you gain competitive advantage.

All companies have a culture, but not all companies have cultural alignment that nourishes personal and organizational growth. 

KeenAlignment liberates the human spirit to create thriving organizational cultures through culture workshops and leadership development programs. We partner with small and medium-size businesses across all industries to build healthy, intentional, and high-performance organizations.
By empowering leaders and accelerating leadership effectiveness, we optimize human potential that drives business performance.
Culture is an absolute competitive advantage — we help you work better together to drive growth, work smarter, and achieve success and satisfaction.


Does this sound familiar?

A gridlocked culture can prevent your business from implementing strategy and moving powerful ideas forward. 


Signs of a broken culture: 

  • New ideas met with infighting, taking sides and nit-picking

  • Decisions take an exceedingly long time to implement

  • Some people say YES to everything, but rarely follow through all the way

  • Rules are selectively enforced

  • Confusion around core values

  • Lack of a singular “Noble Cause”

  • Team’s talents and potential are underused

  • Perception of secret-keeping


We help teams uncover the roadblocks preventing them from flourishing, then work with them to build a thriving "emergent culture" that empowers individuals to succeed.

New Release!

Available now on Audible, dive into 'Ignite Culture'—an eye-opening journey into the heart of corporate humanity. Uncover the secrets of building a resilient culture that inspires change. Let the voices within guide you to shape a culture that moves us all forward. Start listening now!

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Transform Your Business from the Inside Out

Whether you’re innovating, disrupting, building or rebuilding a business, KeenAlignment can help. As your trusted culture partner, we work with your team to align company values, leadership, strategy and operations to fuel future growth.

According to 76 percent of employees, their manager established the culture of their workplace. (SHRM)

KeenAlignment Organizational Culture Workshops for CEOs, Human Resource & C-suite Executives


CEO Culture and Leadership Assessments - Define Your Culture Change Initiatives


Let KeenAlignment help you unleash the potential of you and your organization with Ideal/Actual Culture Assessment and the Leadership Benchmark Assessment that will help comprehensively and thoroughly examine the core competencies and gaps of your leadership team and organization.


These assessments, created specifically for CEOs, dive deep into existing behaviors of employees and the type of environment they are working in. What emerges identifies the differences between what you want, and what you currently have. Next steps to correcting systemic problems then become clearer.


Cultural Transformation for HR Managers


Transform your Workplace Culture with three HR Workshops that foster employee engagement and innovation. Training initiatives are geared to improve communication, inspire personal leadership growth and career advancement, or remedy employee attrition by addressing deep-seeded problems impacting your team’s productivity.


Executive Leadership Development Workshop

Keen Alignment offers three Leadership Development Programs that are built to train Managers how to improve their skills and resolve ongoing performance issues. Learn how to evolve from the command-and-control management style of the last century to a more effective situational leadership style. Evolve into a high level of systems judgment along with a deep understanding of people and what makes them tick is a main stay of today’s effective leader.


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“Worth 10 times what we’re paying! We recently engaged Margaret for a variety of tasks including workforce optimization and overall strategic planning. The assessments were right on the money and provided a clear direction of how to manage moving forward. Her wealth of knowledge and insight into personnel and how to plan and execute a strategic plan for our business has become invaluable. Her fees will be paid for ten-fold as we grow the business to heights even I could not have imagined. If you're considering Margaret in any aspect of your business, rest assured she's the real deal and you don't need to look any further." 

— John Allen, President, Product Safety Consulting, Bensenville, IL 

Take our FREE Online Assessment

Determine how aligned your strategy, leadership and people are.

Meet Magi

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The heart and soul (as well as founder and CEO) of KeenAlignment, Margaret “Magi” Graziano lives and breathes culture. With a contagious energy and undeniable candor, Magi has helped hundreds of companies transform their cultures and drive results.


Magi’s groundbreaking work is driven by her passion to uncover and catalyze human potential. Pioneering the leading edge of conscious leadership, organizational development and corporate cultural alignment, she was named one of Silicon Valley’s Top 100 Influential Women in Business.

Leveraging more than 20 years’ experience, Magi delivers customized leadership programs to transform teams and improve corporate culture. Using a unique combination of experiential coaching, evidence-based leadership tools, and actionable strategies, Magi and KeenAlignment empower business leaders to reshape company culture, increase employee performance and grow revenue.


Ignite Your Power

Sonoma, California

Join our diverse community of growth-focused female business leaders for an inspiring, life-changing 4 days of peer-to-peer leadership coaching and transformational professional development. Create you personalized leadership roadmap, unlock your leadership potential, learn best practices for effectively leading teams, and gain access to an arsenal of actionable take-home resources and tools.


Learning Center

Keep current with leadership trends, insights and news to nurture your high-performance organizational culture.

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