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Transform Your Workplace Culture with Corporate Culture Speaker

Is Reclaiming Vitality and Workplace Motivation on Your Conference or Corporate Training Agenda? Is Healthy, Intentional, High-Performance Workplace Culture Important to Your Audience? 

Magi weaves personal empowerment, self-actualization, and organizational workplace culture together in a way that captivates, engages, and inspires leaders to take action towards leading healthier, more effective workplaces. 

Due to recent world events and societal changes, toxic workplace cultures are rampant, causing dissatisfaction and high employee turnover. Cultural awareness in the workplace today is critical to organizational success, for your membership and even in association management.

This applies, whether you are an individual learning how to advance your career, or a CEO trying to learn how to nurture and catalyze human potential into a high-performing workplace.

Could this be one of your next convention or annual meeting keynote speaker topics?

Margaret Graziano has been a longtime, leading expert in workplace culture consulting who often speaks on how individuals and executives can make positive changes in their workplace culture.

Known for her high-energy, relentlessly candid keynotes and in-depth workshops, Margaret (Magi) helps transform culture from the inside out. Specializing in emotional intelligence, experiential growth, people management and authentic self-expression, Margaret empowers organizations to nourish personal and professional development to build thriving cultures of inclusivity, inspiration and business success.

Whether speaking to a packed theater of CEOs or delivering a workshop to groups of HR professionals, Margaret helps people transform their cultures from the inside so that their organizations and the people they serve thrive.


Speak with Magi

Speaking Call With Magi

“Everything we do is in service of empowering intentional, healthy and high-performance organizational culture.”

- Margaret Graziano, Founder & CEO

Keen Alignment

One of Silicon Valley’s Top 100 Influential Women in Business, Margaret has helped hundreds of companies transform their cultures and drive business results. Pioneering the leading edge of conscious leadership, organizational development and corporate cultural alignment, Margaret groundbreaking work empowers business leaders to reshape company culture, increase employee performance and grow revenue.

Magi’s presentations are tailored to meet your organizational needs, and include:




Panel Discussions

Margaret Graziano regularly speaks to medium and large conference and corporate audiences :

SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management)


Northrop Grumman

University of Wisconsin-Madison 


American Foundry Association


Hear 'what people are saying about how Margaret Graziano's talks impact them:


You may have heard this quote from management guru Peter Drucker, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” Here’s what he didn’t say, but that you probably know from experience... “An entangled culture eats your leadership team for lunch and your CEO for dinner.”


This is because the harder an organization pushes strategies on an entangled culture, the more it rebels and the more entangled it becomes – we call this “strategic gridlock”.


Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be this way. And it won’t be this way when you have an Emergent Culture because an Emergent Culture is the antidote to strategic gridlock.


Attendees will walk away with the following culture-building skills:

- Clarity on the 4 core needs of an Emergent Culture

- How to spot the 3 biggest “cultural torpedoes” that elude most leaders. 

- How to foster a peak performing culture that breeds trust, alignment, and accountability... without cracking the whip or allowing free-for-all behavior.

world class speaker on leadership
healthy organizational culture


For almost any astute leader, it’s easy agree that we’ve inherited an outdated model of leadership. An old “command and control” model that is slow, clumsy, and ineffective. Especially in our rapidly changing, unpredictable markets.


What used to be state of the art has become obsolete. Not only has it stopped working, but it’s the greatest threat for most organizations. The longer we cling to it the faster it makes our organizations obsolete and irrelevant.


If we’re going to outperform our markets, we need a new, elevated leadership model. One the creates a culture of deep collaboration, rapid innovation, and intrinsic motivation.


Attendees will walk away with the following:

- A clear understanding of exactly why trying harder without elevating your leadership model makes things worse instead of better.

- How to identify and escape the invisible ‘forcefield’ that is hijacking your people’s time, attention, and energy.

- How to rise into the upper levels of personal, group, and organizational effectiveness

- How to move everyone in the organization into higher performance – where they’re highly competent and highly engaged

You to the
5th Power

You are the sum of the top five people with whom you surround yourself. Are they lifting you up or dragging you down? It’s great to be supportive of your friends, but if everyone around you is struggling, you’re not going to go higher. Energy, attitude and perspective are contagious. We need to surround ourselves with people who inspire us to pursue our dreams, achieve big things and live the lives we deserve.


In this presentation, Magi provides insight into the “You to the 5th Power” phenomenon and shares ways to ensure that you’re surrounding yourself with the right people.

professional development
organizational culture


Most people would agree there’s a tremendous amount of untapped power in leaders. And they would also agree that if that power was unleashed it would make a huge positive impact in our organizations, schools, communities, and families. The ripple effect would be unstoppable.


However, most of those same people don’t know why so much of the power within women remains dormant, hidden, and suppressed.


The key to unlocking this power is the ability to Ignite it. When power is ignited it turns into an unquenchable flame that lights our own paths and the paths of others.


We believe that a woman with her power ignited is the most powerful force for good on the planet. And when these women march forward together, there’s nothing they cannot accomplish.


Attendees of “Ignite Your Power” will walk away with the following:

- Crystal clarity on their unique vision for showing up powerfully for themselves and others – both at work and at home

- Finding and expressing their “inner voice of power” in a way that builds trust, demonstrates empathy, and commands respect

- The ability to tap into their personal well of unshakable confidence, deep compassion, and grounded certainty.

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In today’s rapidly changing world, you need a competitive advantage. Not just ANY competitive advantage will do… you need THE ULTIMATE COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE.


That ultimate advantage is the ability to respond to changes in the world and in your market faster and more powerfully than your competitors. This is Response Agility.


Most organizations are mired in the quicksand of internal turf wars, failed initiatives, and power struggles. They’re so consumed by these behaviors that every day becomes a new battle to hold onto their tenuous market position and to survive the next sucker punch.


Attendees will walk away from this powerful, interactive keynote with the following: 

-Grace and ease in responding to adversity, stress, and pressure 

-Effective strategies to navigate change thoughtfully and effectively 

-Newfound ownership of their actions and ability to rapidly recalibrate 

-Upgraded perspectives that turn their potential into greater performance

Working on a Computer


“Thank you for a super excellent presentation. You are an enthralling speaker. A quick glance through the blue evaluation sheets yields this: ‘I have been coming to the EAC seminars for 15 years and Magi is the best speaker ever!’ - Patricia Lutz, Director of HR. I hope you will grace us with another speaking engagement next year!”

Larry Seiden, Santa Clara Employer’s Advisory Council, Evaluations/Speaker Liaison Chair

Book Magi

Previous Events

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KeenAlignment Events

Community Connection

Meet Up  

First Tuesdays

Collective Genius Innovators Forum 

Last Fridays

Published In's Leadership Excellence

Building A Winning Workplace Culture: Be the M.O.R.T.A.R. that holds it all together's Leadership Excellence

21st Century Leadership Intelligence: Three tenets to evolve as a leader's Recognition and Employee Engagement Excellence 

Employee Alignment: 5 ways to grow it in your business's Recognition and Employee Engagement Excellence

6 Myths Of Employee Engagement: Creating and inspiring engagement in the workforce's Recognition and Employee Engagement Excellence

6 Employee Engagement Myths Busted: What drives employee connection and engagement?'s Talent Acquisition Excellence

Hiring Practices: Taking a conscious approach's Talent Acquisition Excellence

5 Secrets To Being A Great Interviewer: Maximize your effectiveness in hiring the right people's Talent Acquisition Excellence

4 Insidious Impacts Of Mis-Hire: It’s time to shift your philosophy about people and hiring's Talent Management Excellence

Five Insidious Impacts of A Mis-Hire: It can be pervasive throughout your organization's Strategy and Planning Excellence

The HR Department Of The New Millennium: Four skills to compete in the new hiring landscape

FITBiz Weekly

Creating a Resilient Company Culture: Navigating Change and Thriving Amidst Challenges

Material Handling Wholesaler

Creating a Resilient Company Culture: Navigating change and thriving amidst challenges's Strategy and Planning Excellence

Is It Time To Revamp Your HR Department?: Four insidious impacts of a mis-hire

The Laundry Ledger

Creating a Resilient Company Culture-Part 1

The Laundry Ledger

Creating a Resilient Company Culture-Part 2

IST Magazine

Four Insidious Impacts of a Mis-Hire

IST Magazine

Building a Winning Workplace Culture. Be the M.O.R.T.A.R That Holds it All Together

IST Magazine

Four Insidious Causes of a Mis-Hire

IST Magazine

Igniting your team to New Levels of Performance

IST Magazine

Igniting Your Team to New Levels of Performance


How HR Leaders In SMBs Can Make the Shift From Tactical to Strategic

ISE Magazine

HUMAN NETWORK: Taking a Conscious Approach to Your Hiring Practices

ISE Magazine

HUMAN NETWORK: The HR Department of the New Millennium

ISE Magazine

HUMAN NETWORK: Make the Shift From Tactical to Strategic

Lab Manager

Got Employee Alignment?
5 ways to grow it in your business

Lab Manager

Six Myths of Employee Engagement

Lab Manager

Building a Winning Workplace Culture. Be the M.O.R.T.A.R. that holds it all together

Lab Manager

Igniting Your Team to New Levels of Performance

Lab Manager

21st Century Leadership Intelligence

Lab Manager

21st Century Leadership Intelligence

PPAI Media

The Impact Of A 'Mis-Hire' 

PPAI Media

The MORTAR That Makes Corporate Culture Stick Part 1

PPAI Media

The MORTAR That Makes Corporate Culture Stick Part 2

PPAI Media

Four Ways To Be A Great Interviewer

PPAI Media

Three Tenets of Leadership Intelligence

PPAI Media

How To Avoid A Costly Mis-Hire

Coatings Pro Magazine

Insidious Impacts of an Employee Mis-Hire

Energy Central

Five Secrets to be a Great Interviewer

Energy Central

Make the Shift From Tactical to Strategic And Maximize Your HR Leadership Effectiveness

Energy Central

Utilities: Improve Your Leadership IQ

Energy Central

Igniting Your Team to New Levels of Performance

Life and Health Advisor

Sales & Teams: Are You Maximizing Your People-Expense?

Life and Health Advisor

21st Century Leadership Intelligence

What is the culture of management today?

Modern Steel Construction

Six Myths of Employee Engagement

Quirk's Media

How to boost your leadership intelligence

Foundry Management and Technology

Taking a Conscious Approach to Hiring

The GIS Professional

21st Century Leadership Intelligence

Home Business

Improve Your Leadership IQ

Baker's Journal

5 secrets to being a great interviewer

Homecare Magazine

The Four Impacts of A Mis-Hire


6 Myths of Employee Engagement

Construction Business Owner

The HR Department of the New Millennium

HR Daily Advisor

Igniting Your Team to New Levels of Performance

Material Handling Wholesaler

5 double-edged sword philosophies that lead to Destructive Company Culture

CU Insight

Six myths of employee engagement

Security Info Watch

Five Ways to Advance Your Company Culture

Life and Health Advisor

Shaping Corporate Culture

Foundry Management and Technology

5 Philosophies That Destroy Corporate Culture

OTC Beauty Magazine

4 Double-Edged Sword Philosophies that Lead to Destructive Company Culture

Minnesota Agent

5 Double-Edged Sword Philosophies that Lead to Destructive Company Culture

Socap Digital

This 6-Step Leadership Method Fosters a Winning Workplace Culture

5 Double-Edged Sword Philosophies That Lead To Destructive Company Culture

Material Handling Wholesaler

Eight steps to transform your Corporate Culture

8 Steps To Transform Your Corporate Culture

Life and Health Advisor

8 Steps to Transform your Corporate Culture

Human Synergistics International

How to Avoid 5 Lethal Culture Landmines


5 Cultural Landmines That Will Doom Your Organization

Human Synergistics International

Level Set: The Ground Zero Step to Shaping an Effective Culture


5 ways to kill your culture

Human Synergistics International

How to Avoid 5 Lethal Culture Landmines

Western Built Magazine

Creating a Resilient Company Culture: Navigating Change and Thriving Amidst Challenges

American Business Women's Association

Creating a Resilient Company Culture: Navigating Change and Thriving Amidst Challenges

Women Driving Change Magazine

Creating a Resilient Company Culture: 

Navigating Change and Thriving Amidst Challenges

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