From Friction to FLOW
Coaching people at work to thrive in the face of change.
Our body of work evolves the human system through shifting the context that people operate from, elevating the energy of individuals and teams, and catalyzing the collective genius in the workplace.
Managing people these days is becoming harder than ever. Most employees are committed to doing their best; however, their efforts commonly fall short, which is frustrating. As a manager, you find yourself constantly trying to fend off burnout and exhaustion of yourself and your team.
FACT: The Institute of Coaching cites that over 70% of individuals who receive coaching
benefited from improved work performance, relationships and more effective communication
skills. Forbes 2019/03/28
Management Challenges to Inspire and Motivate
Most Managers have a thorough understanding of productivity, but the people side of the equation is becoming more elusive. Many managers today are concerned that employees are not engaged and yet perplexed by how to inspire and motivate them in this complex world. As a result, challenges with accountability and workflow plaque your team’s efficiency. Daily it seems there is more work to do than people to do it.
It is now clear that the command-and-control management style of the last century is not only outdated, but also completely ineffective for the new generations working today. Situational leadership, and a high level of systems judgment along with a deep understanding of people and what makes them tick is a main stay of today’s effective leader.
So, how does today’s manager transition? With Leadership Development Programs from KeenAlignment.

“I recently attended a KeenAlignment Ignite Female Leadership retreat. The event was intense
and impactful. Magi and Hanna were amazing at leading a diverse group of women. The
experience provided insight and new tools for my leadership toolbox. The level of engagement
was extraordinary - everyone found their "inner voice" and showed that in just 2.5 days, that
they were transformed into leaders. I would highly recommend KeenAlignment for workforce
- Francesca Dunbar, Vice President, Group Marketing, McWane, Inc.,
Keen Alignment offers THREE Leadership Development Programs that are built to train Managers how to improve their skills and resolve ongoing performance issues.
Cultural Transformation for People Managers
Select from the following programs to meet today’s Leadership challenges:
Which Leadership Development Program is best for you? Check out our 5-step Process that we use to determine what’s best. Or…
Take our Free Online Assessment to determine how aligned your strategy, leadership & people are.
CALL 1-888-484-5551 now for a free 30-minute consultation with a culture coach.

“I participated in a KeenAlignment-led three day offsite for the entire leadership group of one
of the companies on whose Board I serve. I can honestly say that it was the most
extraordinary and impactful leadership development experiences I have ever observed. Magi
Graziano is amazingly effective at drawing each team member into full engagement with her
process and at bringing each of them to powerful new levels of self-awareness and to real
commitment to change. The team exercises she has designed generate true mutual respect
and show each member how awesomely effective they can be as a team when they work
together in genuinely constructive and collaborative manners. I recommend this organization
- Richard Arnold, Executive Director, Strategy & Corporate Development, Wi-Tronix,
Bolingbrook, IL, USA