Check out our 5-step Process that we use to determine how we can help you
grow and prosper best.
KeenAlignment offers three unique Leadership Development Programs to serve a variety of needs that help business executives grow and prosper. Which Leadership Development Program is for you? Below are 5 steps we can work with you on to determine the best Program to dive into first.
Imagine you’re operating at your highest level of effectiveness: what are you accomplishing, who are you impacting, and how is the business better because of your leadership?
Inquire: what is the best kind of learning for you? Is it one-on-one? Is it a combination of one-on-one (momentum coaching), group training (Leadership Accelerator), and experiential learning (Culture Catalyst)?
Examine your commitments for growth and leadership development:
A) Are they about you being a better leader?
B) Are they about your leadership catalyzing a healthy, intentional, high-performance organizational culture?
C) Or is what’s needed most for you right now building leadership competencies that inspire, activate, and fulfill team members to achieve the noble cause of the organization?
Consider the time, energy, and commitment that is required to make personal, behavioral changes, and then ask yourself these three questions:
A) What is it worth to me to be the kind of leader whose words are congruent with my actions?
B) What is it worth to me to be the kind of leader whose inspiration elevates people's courage and engagement to achieve more than they ever thought they could?
C) What is it worth to me, to be the captain of my own leader-ship?
Learn more about how the KeenAlignment team can best support you on your leadership journey.
Take our Free Online Assessment to determine how aligned your strategy, leadership & people are.
CALL 1-888-484-5551 now for a free 30-minute consultation with a culture coach.

"As a business with a mission to be a world-class organization, the growth of our senior
leadership team is of utmost importance. KeenAlignment has developed our management
team to be more cohesive vs. individualistic or territorial with our operations, and this has put
us on the pathway to becoming a world-class company sooner than anticipated. We now
understand that we all wear the same jersey, and by working and growing together, we'll have
a lasting impact on Clow Valve as a whole organization."
- John Grahek, Assistant Plant
Manager, Clow Valve, IA