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The 5 Biggest Myths in Talent Acquisition Strategies

Although most companies today know that great employees are worth their weight in gold, they cling to outdated strategies to acquire new talent. Here are 5 of the most common myths we see businesses continuing to believe today and how to shift your company culture away from these outdated ideas in favor of smart recruitment methods.

1. Candidates Flock to Great Companies

This might be true in rare but notable exceptions, but even for many great companies out there, actively acquiring new talent is essential.

Top candidates usually find it easy to get hired and keep jobs, so your best fits for the position may be happily working without actively looking. This is why smart companies know it’s essential to have talent acquisition strategies in place to help them find great people.

2. Technology Is the Best Recruiter

Because the hiring process relies heavily on technology these days for posting openings, getting the word out, and tracking applicants, many companies mistakenly believe that they can rely on technology to deliver the best candidates.

The truth is that a smart recruiter is the backbone of a solid talent acquisition strategy.

The recruiter can use all of the tools available today, but his or her experience and wisdom provide far better results in terms of the right fit for each position.

3. The Interview Is The Key to Hiring the Best Candidate

Unqualified candidates can present themselves very well in the interview setting, appear to be the right fit for the job, but then fail to meet expectations once hired. Likewise, great candidates can undersell themselves in the interview because they aren’t comfortable with the process.

Taking a holistic approach to the recruiting process and looking closely at each piece of information you receive about top candidates, including feedback from others, is more likely to lead to hiring the best fit for the position.

4. The Perfect Employee Is Out There

Don’t let perfect be the enemy of the good. No one is perfect, and no candidate is going to be perfect. Particularly for C-level and upper management positions, the hiring process can drag on and on when the exact right candidate isn’t appearing.

Keep in mind, and remind other stakeholders in the hiring process, that training and leadership development can make up for perceived weaknesses or imperfections in an otherwise great fitting candidate.

5. The Recruiting Process Starts with a Job Opening

This is one of the most common pitfalls we see companies make.

A true talent acquisition strategy is constantly in motion – before, during, and after the task of filling a position. Start by thinking about where you want your company to be one year from now, and what types of candidates and positions will be able to make that a reality.

Then when positions need to be filled, you can engage in conscious hiring to find the right fit for today and well into the future. By making the investment in your future talent, your company will reap the rewards for years to come.

If you are ready to improve your talent acquisition strategy to plan for your needs today and tomorrow, contact us.


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