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Deeper than the Resume: Behavioral Interview Training

Everyone who’s hired someone has experienced the highs and lows of hit-or-miss hiring practices. Some employees wow you in the interview, but show a lack of emotional intelligence or character on the job. Meanwhile, other employees seem to fit right into their role, blend seamlessly with their team, and connect with the organization’s mission. These uneven results are caused by a failure to evaluate the behaviors of candidates during the hiring process.

Systematic hiring yields consistently positive outcomes

How do you improve your hiring batting average and hire more A-players? The traditional hiring process typically focuses too much on skills and experience and not enough on who the person will be on the job. To get a better sense of your candidates, it’s important to take a step back and really dig deep to understand what non-negotiables must be met to maintain the organization’s reputation and profitability. From there, you can methodically and systematically define the key performance indicators required for success in the role.

With those elements defined, outline the day-to-day big-picture activities and core functions that the employee will need to engage in to effectively achieve those outcomes. Let those outcomes determine the skills, competencies and experience the employee needs to have to perform successfully. The goal is to hone in on the behaviors – not just bullets on a resume – that will lead to success in the role.

If this seems like an unnecessarily intensive effort, ask yourself: would you rather spend more time on behavior selection, or behavior modification? The time you invest in the role development and interview process will save you from hiring a candidate who needs time-consuming coaching and rework after being hired. Behavioral Interviewing sets your strategic people operations up for success from the very beginning, allowing you to get the right person in the right role the first time around, with simplicity and confidence.

Behavioral Interviewing is the ounce of prevention that’s worth a pound of cure

Because of record-high unemployment, every open position attracts a flood of candidates. Without the right processes in place, hiring managers and recruiters can easily drown in resumes and struggle to identify the best candidates to move forward in the process.

Just because you have more candidates to choose from, that doesn’t increase the likelihood of hiring the right person who will take the role for the right reasons. KeenAlignment’s Values-Based Behavioral Interview Training program provides you with the techniques to attract and secure the right talent for your open positions. The Behavioral Interview process allows you to:

  1. Effectively time up front define the criteria for the role and less time on the back end trying to figure out what candidates might be a good fit

  2. Understand the seven modes of interacting, the eight modes of acting, the four modes of thinking, and how they play out in the interview process and workplace

  3. Learn how to assess and make decisions based on key assessment factors in the interview

With this training, HR practitioners can enhance their standing as a strategic business partner by driving positive outcomes throughout the business: decreased turnover, improved morale, and fewer behavioral issues to address. And as an added benefit, you’ll be able to hire more effective employees for your own team.

To learn more about Behavioral Interviewing check out our upcoming Values-Based Behavioral Interview Training and Certification sessions beginning on January 14th, 2021.


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