This weekend I had the opportunity and privilege to meet Bruce Loeffler, a teacher, trainer and leader of building service centric teams in the hospitality, healthcare and retail industries.
Bruce is committed to helping people find purpose and fulfillment in their work. He was keen on how Conscious Hiring could impact his customers’ ability to select the right service people. I was keen on how once they select and hire them how easy it would be for the right people possessing the service centralizer, solution orientation, diplomat and integrity traits could immediately put his training into use because it would be a natural self expression for them.
He shares 12 principles for delivering exceptional service.
1. Attitude Makes the Difference
2. Create a Positive Experience
3. Take Pride in Everything
4. Make Positive Impressions
5. Treat People as Guests
6. Provide Exceptional Service
7. Go the Extra Mile
8. Telephone Etiquette
9. Service Recovery is Essential
10. Communicate Effectively
11. The Likability Factor
12. Strive For Excellence
More to come on the positive bottom line effects to hiring people who naturally are driven to serve and who thrive when given opportunities to get better at it!