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Role Analysis: The Key to Performance Management and Leadership Success

Performance management success and the key to effective leadership lies in the development and strengthening of KPI’s (key performance indicators) so that every single member of your workforce is clearly aware of their role within the team, what is expected of them in that role and what they need to do to meet expectations that are clearly outlined.

The leadership and management consulting experts at KeenAlignment know from experience and training that clear roles need to be defined by the leadership team for every single internal position in the company. This includes when you are advertising and interviewing someone for a role and when you are managing the employee you have selected in that role too.

Unless this is done, the strong workforce that you are looking for is never going to be within your grasp.

What are key performance indicators?

Key performance indicators are specific targets, qualities, responsibilities or requirements that a leadership team MUST set out.

Too much of the time, the management consulting experts at KeenAlignment come into contact with companies in which every single manager or executive leader has a different notion of what is expected from any given employee: what their role is and what the company is looking for when hiring someone for that role.

If you don’t know what you are looking for from an employee and what you will be measuring when they begin working in that role (if your key performance indicators have not been outlined – truly outlined – discussed, written down, documented and understood by everyone) you are never going to build a strong workforce. Never!

What is role analysis and role definition? Role definition takes place at the recruiting stage (or better said, it begins before the recruiting stage). As leaders of a company, you need to define exactly what it is you are looking for in an employee and when you are interviewing for that role you mustn’t stray from those ideals, no matter how tempting it is to just get a position filled for the sack of having more hands on deck.

Role analysis forms part of the performance management system. Again, you need to know what you will analyze from your employee’s work and your employee needs to know what they will be evaluated on so that all parties are clear, happy, focused and striving towards the same goals for success.

What is the key to creating a strong workforce? The key to creating a strong workforce is the analysis of all roles within your company, the defining of those roles and the development of key performance indicators that leaders can use firstly recruit and hire employees and then to monitor them in those roles.

Employees use key performance indicators as a way of really honing in on what it is that they are responsible for and this kind of empowerment can really make an employee feel happy in their job and integral to the company that they work for. This kind of attachment is essential and is something that all leaders must learn how to develop.

The organizational development specialists at KeenAlignment can help you to analyze the roles of all employees within your company and they can then help you to define those roles, the expectations of those roles and set out the key performance indicators of those roles. This is why you should contact our consultants today.

With those key performance indicators in place for all employees, leaders can manage more effectively and a stronger workforce is more likely to develop at a quicker rate.


Magi Graziano, as seen on NBC, is the CEO of Conscious Hiring® and Development, a speaker, employee recruitment and engagement expert and author of The Wealth of Talent. Through her expansive knowledge and captivating presentations, Magi provides her customers with actionable, practical ideas to maximize their effectiveness and ability to create high-performing teams. With more than 20 years’ experience as a top producer in the Recruitment and Search industry, she empowers and enables leaders to bring transformational thinking to the day-to-day operation.


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