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Grounding the New You in the New Normal – Ignite Your Feminine Power

Since COVID-19 became more than a blip on the radar, countless people had to get creative about turning their home into an office, fostering remote team engagement, and keeping businesses afloat.

Very few were prepared for this sudden and seismic shift. This endeavor is even more complicated for women since they are the primary caregiver in many households.

With this overwhelming list of to-dos, most women have lost sight of their purpose, values, and priorities.

Developing Resiliency

On some level, COVID-19 forced all of us to be resilient. We knew we had to adapt to the situation immediately or it would be detrimental to our health, employment, and sanity.

While everyone made the necessary adjustments, many are still hoping to ride out the storm and get back to normal. We’ve put important parts of our lives on hold waiting for a vaccine or a reopening plan that allows us to go back to the way we once knew.

But what if this is the new normal? What are we waiting for?

Given the disruptive energy of this moment, now is the perfect time to realign with your purpose and reimagine your life as you know it.

We Need More Female Empowerment

In light of how COVID-19 has transformed the world, society, and environment, I think we can all agree the world needs more feminine, transformational leadership.

Women are natural uniters, nurturers, and energizers.

This approach, which leads with the greater good in mind, will be what gets us through the storm, not traditional approaches to leadership.

As women, we have an opportunity to lead in our homes, communities, organizations, and with our friends. We have a chance to step up and be the change we wish existed in the world. It doesn’t matter how old you are or what your job title is, we all have the ability to lead from where we are right now.

You might be inspired to jump in and take action, but one of the most important steps you can take is to first ground yourself.

Get Clear About Your Vision

Even before COVID-19, our society operated in line with the premise that more is more. Work more, do more, be more left us feeling drained and unfulfilled.

As women, we are naturally conditioned to give more to everyone else until we have nothing left to give.

It’s virtually impossible to tap into your innate wisdom and leadership abilities from this place of chaos and depletion. The best way to ground ourselves is to get clear about our vision for the future, our core values, and what our priorities need to be to support this vision and values.

With this clarity, you can start to bring some calm and focus into your daily life.

Build a Daily Routine

Another important aspect of grounding yourself is building a daily routine that supports your vision, values, and priorities.

Many of us, especially women, don’t prioritize self-care or had to move it to the back burner when COVID-19 hit.

Taking on the necessary tasks of childcare and maintaining a household created stress and caused us to pick up other habits to cope. Developing a new supportive routine that fits your current reality and helps you thrive instead of cope is key. Emulating your vision, values, and priorities in your daily routines and rituals is how you actualize your vision instead of just dreaming about it.

It’s important to establish a holistic routine that supports your physical, mental, and spiritual health.

Taking steps to nurture yourself each day will foster resilience, inspire vitality, and allow you to live in your peak state.

Be the Leader You Desire. Start with Ignite Power.

Being an effective and inspiring leader requires you to do the inside work to ground yourself first. In order to understand and motivate others, you need to understand yourself.

COVID-19 has been a catalyst for all of us to think about what’s important to us, but many of us haven’t started to build the foundation that will protect what’s most meaningful in the ever-changing dynamic of the present moment.

As women, it’s time for us to step up, live a conscious life, inspire change, and make the world a better place.

Ready to tap into your innate wisdom and transform your world from chaotic and unorganized to united and powerful? Join us for the Ignite Power Retreat!

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