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Conscious Hiring™ Training

Let’s face it. Your internal talent is probably your ONLY competitive advantage. For your company to grow and be an industry leader, it’s critical that you hire difference makers who have the capacity and ability to achieve your company’s goals and objectives.

Your hiring decisions make or break your business. What you don’t know will cost you: training time, management and workforce productivity losses, company morale and employee productivity, new sales, customers and more. Employment turnover cost the US economy a trillion dollars last year. What is it costing your company? The estimated costs of a poor hire run from 3-7 times a person’s salary.

With stiff competition, costs rising and margins shrinking, no company can afford the multiple costs of poor quality hires. What’s even more compelling is that recent studies are linking management burnout and employee morale issues directly to the number of poor performers on the payroll. In this provocative program, you learn a powerful methodology to attract and select A players, develop your B players and leverage your company’s hiring power by continuously hiring the best, building and scaling your high performance teams.

About the Program

Conscious Hiring empowers business leaders and hiring managers to improve their bottom line return on their people investments. This high energy, provocative, insightful and fun workshop (keynote) encompasses every aspect of building an effective, defensible and foolproof hiring process.

Course Objectives

One of your only competitive advantages is the unique way your mission critical, key contributor and next level leaders solve your company’s business issues, carry out your mission, run the operations and interact with your customers. In a nutshell, the value of your company hinges on its ability to choose its talent wisely. A holistic conscious-hiring process empowers you hire right the first time, every time.

The Presentation

Shift the way you think about your people’s impact on your business

Raise the effectiveness Recruitment has on your organizations’ effectiveness

Learn to apply 21st century hiring principles and increase your people ROI

The Takeaways

A step-by-step process for aligning performance, values and culture with your hiring process

Role Analysis – shifting from task based job descriptions to performance based job descriptions

When and how to use and administer psychometric assessments

Why Behavioral Interviewing works and when to use it

Keys to implementing a highly effective hiring process with a 90% retention rate

Contact 888-533-6447 to get started!


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