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2.5-Day Business Strategy Workshop

Business strategy workshop - align your mission, vision, and values

Compelling Future v.2 (1)
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A lack of strategic direction in businesses today is one of the most common problems causing poor performance and stagnant growth. Often there are strong links between this condition and leadership infighting, burnout, and resistance to change. Innovation typically suffers and market share is lost due to mis-aligned vision, mission, and values
during strategic planning efforts.

61% of respondents acknowledge that their firms’ often struggle to bridge the gap between strategy formulation and its day-to-day implementation. (Economist)

Setting a new course helps leaders to overhaul mission, vision, values and revitalize its organizational culture. To achieve this, an outside culture consultant can help to ensure that the process avoids common pitfalls. 


A skilled culture coach can hold leaders accountable to be transparent and have clarity of purpose in their strategic planning. Outsiders can be completely objective and without bias. That perspective is not common for leaders who have blind spots that prevent breakthroughs. 


Mission, Vision and Values

What does that strategic planning process look like? It starts with developing your mission, vision and values. The journey begins with your mission (your why) and your vision (inspiring future). Operating without a mission and vision is like driving cross country without a map. You wouldn’t know where to start or where you’d end up. Yet, many companies operate this way today which results in a lack of direction.


Your values are those qualities your leaders admire most, their highest priorities. These behaviors are what form your organizational culture and drive you to all your accomplishments. They define how your people will interact within your organization and how the organization will value all their stakeholders, from employees and vendors to customers.


Richard Arnold.jpeg

“I participated in a KeenAlignment-led three day offsite for the entire leadership group of one of the companies on whose Board I serve. I can honestly say that it was the most extraordinary and impactful leadership development experiences I have ever observed. Magi Graziano is amazingly effective at drawing each team member into full engagement with her process and at bringing each of them to powerful new levels of self-awareness and to real commitment to change. The team exercises she has designed generate true mutual respect and show each member how awesomely effective they can be as a team when they work together in genuinely constructive and collaborative manners. I recommend this organization strongly!”

— Richard Arnold, Executive Director, Strategy & Corporate Development, Wi-Tronix, Bolingbrook, IL, U

Compelling Future Strategic Workshop

Our 2-1/2-day Compelling Future strategic workshop, immerses you into an experiential planning offsite retreat that brings executive leadership teams together. This type of setting allows leadership teams the space to envision an inspiring future that propels your organization forward. Your executive team collectively designs the strategic planning framework to be a market leader, catalyzing and moving people towards a cause that unleashes the power and potential of the collective genius inside your organization.

Journal of Management Studies reports that companies that plan grow 30 percent faster than those that don’t plan.

Align to a Noble Cause

Our highly skilled business strategy consultants will coach your executive team to think deeply and differently about your organization and the people you impact. During the time we are together your team aligns to a Noble cause, and the values and behaviors that shape a healthy, intentional, high performance organizational culture.

What Are the Benefits of Designing a Compelling Future?

A key benefit of designing a compelling future is how your leadership team walks away with a clear vision of what the organization is committed to and how each leader can contribute to make it happen.  Another benefit is how the executive leadership team gains alignment by having a voice in how the organization plans operations and formalizes its approach to accomplish goals and objectives.  


Part of operationalizing the plan is thinking about and articulating how people need to behave and work in alignment with the organization’s strategic intent and values. 


Taking Ownership of the Plan

When the leadership team invents the future and then works backward to design the framework, they are more likely to take ownership for the effective implementation of the plan. 


In the Compelling Future design session, your team looks and thinks deeply about how and what the next 12-18 months need to deliver to move your vision and intention from ideation to reality.


Compelling Future Design

Your executive leadership team walks away from a Compelling Future Design Session inspired, having a clear path forward. They will also have a strong belief in the team as a collective force for good and guidance on how to lead and inspire others to join the journey.

Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Expand your capacity for innovative thinking and create a framework to help leaders thrive and achieve breakthrough organizational success.

Expand your capacity for innovative thinking and create a framework to help leaders thrive and achieve breakthrough organizational success.

Assess Performance

Examine your organizational strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats with a SWOT analysis

Assess Performance

Examine your organizational strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats with a SWOT analysis

Shift Mindsets

Develop systems thinking capabilities to solve problems and improve performance

Shift Mindsets

Develop systems thinking capabilities to solve problems and improve performance

Develop Values

Craft purpose-centric mission and vision statements rooted in your core values

Develop Values

Craft purpose-centric mission and vision statements rooted in your core values

Improve Business

Map your top five to 10 organizational priorities to develop a 12-month goals-based operational framework

Improve Business

Map your top five to 10 organizational priorities to develop a 12-month goals-based operational framework

How Our Process Works

Step One:
Schedule a discovery session

Step Two: 

Engage in a collaborative discussion about your dreams and goals for your organization as well as what you experience as being in your way

Step Three:

Bring the executive team together to understand the process and gain buy-in

Step Four: 

Schedule the Compelling Future design session offsite

Step Five: 

Participant fully in the intentional design of your organization's future

Step Six:

Implement your plan independently or with the support of our coaching

Are you ready to invent your future? Develop a compelling future for your business and your team with KeenAlignment’s Compelling Future Workshop. Get in touch today and start implementing your plan for the future.

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