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Workforce Strategy 3.0 – Position Your Company As a Leading Place To Work

With a rocky economy, emerging industries on the rise, four generations in the workforce, Sr. level leaders on the verge of retirement or redeployment and a sea of talent management issues knocking at your door, it is time to start thinking about how your company will maximize it’s return on your people investments.

KeenHire’s Workforce Strategy 3.0 Webinar empowers employers to take a new look at their human resource processes and their approach to Talent Management, Recruitment, Performance Management, Employee Engagement and Key Contributor Employee Retention.

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September 6, 2011

10:30-12:00 PST

Click HERE to Register

The number 1 trend that has a major impact on the workplace is workforce optimization, specifically is key contributor recruitment, utilization, succession planning and retention.

We delve into your company’s employment, recruitment and retention issues. We will dispel the myths and uncover critical issues that affect your company’s ability to attract and retain the right people in your key contributor and next level leadership roles.

Walk Away With…

1. Hands on experience in uncovering the Real Cost of Employee Turnover and the impact that it has on your ability to achieve your corporate strategic objectives.

2. Knowledge about the organizational development methodology for assessing your company’s real human capital needs.

3. The competence and capability to improve your company’s ability to attract, select, engage, manage and retain your mission critical, key contributor and next level leadership talent.

4. Power to develop a winning employer value proposition with several practical employee retention strategies and employee engagement initiatives.

5. The ability to forward your company’s revenue by incorporating the Talent Mindset into your everyday management and people practices.

The Expert

Margaret Graziano is a torchbearer in the Staffing and Recruitment industry. Her visionary ability, astute knowledge of full life cycle Talent Management and her tenure in the field, positions her far ahead of the Human Capital innovation curve. In the early 2000’s Graziano shifted her mindset from recruiter working to make a placements to consultant committed to building extraordinary workforces. She added a talent management division to her staffing operation, adopted a world-class Conscious Hiring and placement process and significantly invested in her own personal and professional development. She utilizes her certifications in Organizational Development, Behavioral Interviewing, Psychometric Assessment usage, Role Analysis and Employee Retention to create curriculum and programs that elevate KeenHire’s customers’ ability to hire and retain the right people.

The Society of Human Resource Management reports that 6 of the top 10 Workplace Trends are directly related to talent acquisition, selection & retention, don’t be a part of that number.

Want to Bring a KeenHire Consultant In-house? Call Today! 1-888-533-6447


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