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Cultural Alignment: Developing a Peak Performance Culture

Your top talent, your highest performers, are instrumental to your overall success. They’re responsible for a good chunk of the results in your company, and losing them could cost you three to seven times their annual salary, maybe more. If you do not put an effort towards keeping them engaged, your most vibrant talent will certainly go elsewhere.

You need to have a great environment, culture and climate for people, so when these talented individuals have other opportunities come their way, they don’t even think about leaving your company.

Developing a high-performance culture means that your people are working at their highest potential, buzzing with aliveness in the workplace, they are on task, they know what is expected of them, and they have a clear vision of where they’re going.

As the HR leader, it is crucial that your employees ALIGN with the company’s core values and purpose, and that you partner with the Senior Executive team to create a culture based on those values, so everyone is rowing in the same direction.

It’s HR’s responsibility to align the people strategy with the business strategy, and when you do this, you become indispensable to the health of the company you work for. When customers take a Business Health Check with KeenAlignment, this is one of the key factors we look for in a healthy organization.

When HR leaders ask me how to foster a high-performance culture, I tell them to find out what motivates their executives and employees. And then, like partners, team up with all of them to make that motivation the core focus.


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